Monday, June 2, 2008

If you think Jon is greater than sliced bread, this is for you...


The Hendrix Family said...

Jon, you are greater than sliced bread! What a great video. Just love to see all the fun things in your life in North Carolina.

Rasheta Family said...

That gave me very sweet feelings for you Jon. Loved it. Can't wait for you to come visit again. I liked seeing how many great things you do in North Carolina and where you live. It seems pretty awesome. I'll make sure Robyn watches it. Love, Aunt Anissa

Thurman Family Information said...

OK, I sat and cried through the whole thing. I love you Jon, and I miss you and your mom and dad. I hope I can see you this summer.

Tannis said...

Hiii! I just found your blog! Just wanted to say hi!

Tannis said...

Oh and tell Jon I said hi!! I am so sad that when you guys were here I never even said hi to him!! I love that kid

Suzanne said...

I didn't know you guys had a blog. Yeah! What a sweet boy Jon is... 8 years isn't too much of a age difference for him and Emily, is it??

SHERIDAN said...

MEG!!! oh my gosh, i didn't know you got a blog! yay!! i miss you so much! thats cool you went to forks!! my blog is

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

Meg- how long have you had a blog???? YEAH!!! WE CAN KEEP IN TOUCH NOW!!!!! Wish we could have played more when you were in town.

Kim Whitefield said...

Sweetness! I'd love to hear Jon's violin playing, didn't know he played. Y'all have a precious family; I'm glad I have good examples like you.

We had a BLAST in AZ for the 4th! Jon had fun with his cousins! It was GREAT to see Jaime, too!

Europe '05


POPTROPICA :Big Nate Island

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